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Creating package

Example meta section

  meta = with stdenv.lib; {
    description = "A not to long description";
    longDescription = ''
      A bit more lengthy description
      convering multiple
    homepage = "nü";
    license = licenses.gpl3Plus;
    platforms = platforms.all;
    maintainers = with maintainers; [ SuperSandro2000 ];

Installing man pages and shell completion scripts

{ installShellFiles }:

rec {
  postInstall = ''
    installManPage man/man1/*

Using pytest

  checkInputs = [ pytestCheckHook ];

  disabledTests = [ "test_examples" "test_issue_22" ];
  pytestFlagsArray = [ "--ignore=Examples" ];

Move to seperate output

  outputs = [ "out" "dev" ]; # or meta

  postInstall = ''
    moveToOutput "bin/xmlsec1-config" "$dev"

meta = {
  outputsToInstall = [ "out" "dnsutils" "host" ];

Keeping a failed nix-build and changing into

nix-build --builders '' -K -A package
# path to the kept build directory under /tmp is shown
export out=/tmp/nix-build-package-1.0.0.drv-0
# the following might be required if you run into permission issues
sudo chown $USER:$USER -R $out
nix-shell -E --pure 'with import ./. { }; package'
bash --rcfile $out/env-vars
cd $out/
# start debugging


  buildInputs = [ breakpointHook ];
nix-build -A pkgsStatic.package
nix-build -A pkgsMusl.package

Rebase a branch on staging

Replace origin with the name of the remote pointing to NixOS/nixpkgs.

$ git fetch origin
$ git rebase "$(git merge-base origin/master origin/staging)"
# maybe resolve conflicts
$ git push -f <your remote> <your branch>


Build a package with an override

nix-build -E "with import ./nixpkgs {}; postfix.override { withMySQL = true; }"

Edit a package

nix edit -f . package

Show build log of a package

nix log -f . package
nix log nixpkgs.somafm-cli

Build all maintainer packages

nix-build maintainers/scripts/build.nix --argstr maintainer SuperSandro2000

Update all maintainer packages

nix-shell maintainers/scripts/update.nix --argstr maintainer SuperSandro2000 --argstr keep-going true

Mark package as broken

./pkgs/common-updater/scripts/mark-broken package

Browse dependencies interactively

nix-tree $(nix-instantiate -A package)

Evaluate default.nix in current directory for syntax or evaluation errors

nix-env -f . -qa

Do nix repl cross arch

nix-repl> (import ./. { system = "x86_64-darwin"; }).package

Update URLs which redirect to https


Convert double quoted strings in descriptions to single quotes

git ls-files | grep pkgs | xargs sed -i -e -E "s#description.*''(.*)''#description = \"\1\"#g"

Remove enableParallelBuilding = true if using cmake

ag -l "cmake" | xargs ag -l "enableParallelBuilding = true" > check.txt && wc -l check.txt

Check the amount of expected rebuilds


Test tree wide changes

nix-shell -p hydra-unstable --run "hydra-eval-jobs -I nixpkgs=$PWD nixos/release.nix"
nix-shell -p hydra-unstable --run "hydra-eval-jobs -I nixpkgs=$PWD pkgs/top-level/release.nix"